Er dit produkt ægte eller en kopi?
Kan du let verificere om det produkt du har, er ægte? I nogle markeder er forfalskninger et problem. Med softwaren Brandtag kan du se eller dokumentere produktets ægthed. I nogle […]
Kan du let verificere om det produkt du har, er ægte? I nogle markeder er forfalskninger et problem. Med softwaren Brandtag kan du se eller dokumentere produktets ægthed. I nogle […]
Sporing af produkter med RFID etiketter og labels. Indbygget i produkter eller syet på tekstiler. Læs om de forskellige standarder og de etiketter som Etisoft leverer.
Kafferisteri får automatisk mærkning af kaffeposer. Etiketter til kaffeposer. Etiketter til mærkning af kaffe i produktion.
How to effectively and permanently label bags with blood, plasma and bone marrow? Readd about non-migration adhesive labels: for blood donation centres and laboratories etiCALLS is a proprietary system providing […]
In this section we present you our next solution for the laboratory industry. This time we introduce our solution for cryogenics. The described solution for cryogenics together with: create our […]
Digital printing is nowadays one of the most popular and continuously developed printing methods in the world. Today, almost every print shop has digital printing machines. Several years ago, digital […]
Every day, laboratory staff expose samples and test materials to a wide range of factors, including aggressive solvents and chemicals. There is no room for mistakes in laboratories. It is […]
The production process inspection system based on machine vision making it possible to verify: The quality of manufactured products, The completeness of goods sent to customers. The created vision system […]
Low temperatures are very frequently associated with destructive rather than beneficial effects unless we are talking about the medical or laboratory industry. Freezing of cells and tissues at appropriately low […]