Visionssystemer til kvalitetskontrol anvendes i produktions- og lagerområder. De muliggør automatiseret inspektion af produkter, der bevæger sig på produktionslinjerne. De verificerer varernes overensstemmelse med specifikationen, korrektheden af ​​montering, emballering, færdiggørelse og understøtter sorteringsprocesser. Systemerne er baseret på højkvalitets kameraer, lyskilder og software, som udfører en analyse af et 2D- eller 3D-billede på en gentagen måde, sammenligner det med de gemte standarder og afvigelsesværdier. Integrationen af ​​visionsystemer med MES-systemer og industrielle automationssystemer understøtter kvalitetsstyringsprocesser i virksomheder. Effekterne af implementeringen af ​​automatiserede kvalitetskontrolsystemer omfatter:

  • 24/7 kontinuerlig kontrol af produktkvalitet
  • kontrol med 100 % af de fremstillede varer
  • øget bevidsthed om processen
  • registrering af kontrolresultater i databasen
  • eliminering af ventetid i produktionslinjen
  • reduktion af antallet af klager
  • betydelig stigning i nøjagtigheden af ​​kvalitetskontrol
  • reduktion af omkostninger til kvalitetskontrol




Together with Etisoft Smart Solutions we design and supply automated quality control systems based on machine vision.

We ensure:

  • pre-implementation analysis,
  • design of the entire system,
  • selection of equipment,
  • deployment of the system on the customer’s premises,
  • maintenance service.

Our vision systems are comprehensive solutions based on industry standards and using modern technologies and top-quality devices. We develop and adjust solutions to individual customer needs using 2D, 3D, linear and multi-camera systems as well as special lighting techniques adapted to the specific project. Depending on the needs and project requirements we use classic algorithms or Deep Learning technology.

The modular construction of the system and open architecture make it possible to implement any logic of system operation and thus reflect and implement even complicated processes of verification, control, or inspection. Each of our systems can be integrated with both automation systems (production-line PLCs, reference positioning systems, case packers etc.) and robotic systems (vision system mounted on a robotic arm, vision system controlling the work of a robot) for greater flexibility, and with IT systems to make it as maintenance-free as possible.

Quality control of assembly and connections

The system detects nonconformities at assembly stations resulting from incorrect robot operation or human error. The cameras smoothly record images in a way adapted to the moving production line, whereas the software analyses the correct assembly of semi-finished and finished goods. The position of all elements, the presence of all components after assembly, and correctness of the connection of the cable harness are checked, missing screws, washers and seals are detected. Upon detection of a nonconformity, signalling or automatic removal of the product from the production line takes place. The advantages of the vision system for quality control of assembly and connections are, among others, as follows:

  • inspection of connections of different sockets, plugs (connectors), cable harnesses, rubber hoses
  • detection of defects
  • recording of photos and inspection results
  • elimination of faulty products before further stages of production
  • possibility to add other inspection areas together with changing subsets of products

Production quality inspection

Vision control systems for production quality control make it possible to quickly verify shapes, dimensions and colours of elements cut, cast from the mould.  Algorithms precisely measure details and detect errors such as thickening, deformation of shapes, missing mounting holes. The vision system signals deviations from the set standard, and in case of a repeated serial error it can stop the machine. Advantages of the system:

  • measurement of sizes, dimensions, and colours
  • recording of photos in the database
  • adaptability to the production line

Inspection of correctness of packaging

A vision system that checks the correct positioning of the product in the unit packaging. The developed algorithms determine the position of goods and signal their incorrect positioning. The software also recognizes when the wrong product manufactured on the same production line is placed in the packaging.  The whole solution for inspection of correctness of packaging is integrated with the production line and can automatically stop it if an error has been detected. It prevents damage to the packaging, products or placing the wrong number of products in a collective packaging. Advantages of the system:

  • possibility to check a wide range of references
  • recording of inspection results
  • possibility of integration with the packaging line

Inspection of print quality

A system based on machine vision is intended for the verification of print quality and the detection of printing errors occurring during the printing of product labels. The system can be used in label printing centres in production halls – printshops.  The software detects printing defects, ink blurring, thickening, deformation of shapes of iconography and signs. Defective labels are not used for labelling production on production lines. The printing quality control system can be adapted to various printing technologies, e.g., screen printing, thermal transfer, digital printing.

  • detection of printing errors
  • rejection of defective labels
  • adaptability to printing technology

Inspection of correctness of product labelling

A vision system made up of cameras, sensors, and barcode readers, which is used for verification of data applied to the product at different stages of production.  The system checks the position of the labels applied to the product, detects any missing labels in the given place of the product or packaging, verifies the correctness of the printed data, serial number, and barcodes.  In the event of detection of a non-conformity, signalling or automatic removal from the production line takes place.

  • verification of the correctness of the printed codes, texts, and pictograms
  • verification of the presence and correct positioning of labels
  • possibility of connecting actuators for dropping or blowing the product from the conveyor belt


In production:

  • Verification of conformity of products with the specification
  • Assembly inspection
  • Packaging inspection
  • Control of correctness of product labelling

In the warehouse:

  • Verification of conformity of products with the commission
  • Control of correctness of packaging labelling
  • Packaging inspection
  • Detection of obstacles in the warehouse


Vision control systems integrated with the production line, industrial automation and MES systems constitute a key element of the quality management process. We will ensure safety at each stage of implementation and continuous supervision over the effectiveness and quality of operation of the implemented system.

We guarantee:

  • implementation security (pre-implementation analysis, simulation)
  • safety of use (high-performance equipment, standards, and certificates)
  • system monitoring carried out by experienced engineers
  • service, technical support and replacement equipment
  • financial security (a stable company with over 25 years of experience)


The recipients of our products are, among others, companies from the household appliances industry, suppliers of labels, factories of light technologies. Our portfolio includes implementations on productions lines of dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, and many others.

  • Packaging inspection
  • Inspection of print quality
  • Quality control of assembly and connections
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